Hi Everyone, I should have been in the bed, (I have to work in the morning) but I just had to write this before I lay down. This was my Scripture reading for this morning, it blessed me so, I pray it does the same for you! Proverbs 21:21-23 He who pursues righteousness and kindness finds life, prosperity and honor. A wise man can go up into a city of warriors and undermine the strength in which it trusts. Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps himself out of trouble. I actually read the whole chapter, but these 3 passages impacted me the most today, will continue in Proverbs, for awhile, I need all God's Wisdom that I can get-Bless you All....and have a Blessed Day! CBJ-Complete Jewish Bible As Always-Stay Encouraged, no matter what! Love you-LLove Biblegateway.com is a terrific website for Bible study, has all versions of the Bible, read as much as you want plus audio in case you want to listen as you sleep, drive,etc.