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About Artist

Hello World!  Welcome to my blog page.  I've set up this blog site to network with old friends, other jewelry artists and new acquaintances.  First; let me introduce myself: my name is Liz.  I'm located in the Midwestern U.S. in a suburb of  Chicago better known as "Chi-town". It  has one the most beautiful skylines in the U.S. and there is always plenty to do!  If you've never visited, please do.
  I started drawing pictures of  jewelry that I dreamed of in 1998, but didn't start designing until 2001.  I acquired a broken ankle at that time, lost my job, so I pulled out my designs and began to work them.  Before I graduated from Debbie's School of Beauty Culture, I always loved art.   I became a Make-up Artist and Line manager for Fashion Fair cosmetics in a Marshall Fields store.  As I look back, it is apparently clear my love for beauty was started when I was very young, untangling my Mom's jewelry and loving it!  The blessing is in realizing we all have gifts given to us by God  and discovering them. Once you do, you will never be the same.  Sharing and giving in our relationships are a very important part of our lives.  As we share and give, someone is sharing and giving back to us and the circle of life continues.  We were never meant to be a receiver only, but in giving from our hearts is where the true treasure lies!

Elizabeth Love

Please leave your comments, I look forward to hearing from you...


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