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Showing posts from 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!!

It's almost here!  No matter how many gifts we get or give,  no gift will ever come anywhere close, to The Most Precious Gift of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!!!  This Gift of Love is from Our Father,  let us never forget without Him there was no Redemption for mankind. We would have all gone to one horrible place after we died, but because of The Sacrifice that Jesus gave for All of us,  we will one day see the Father in all of His Glory...and because of Jesus sacrifice,  we can live life abundantly right here on Earth!! Glory be to God.. So please remember Jesus that He is the reason for EVERY Season and without Him, where would we be?      Don't forget to share love and encourage family,  friends and even strangers,  we all need love. We were made to give love and recieve it,  love is truly a wonderful thing.  I read somewhere that we need at least 21 hugs per day,  I don't know ...

Redemption with Ron Carpenter 11-28-10 Clip


I don't know about you, but this is one of my most favorite times of the year!  Not because of the shopping and advertisements, etc. but because what Christmas really means.  It is a time of Celebration,  Reflection,  Joy,  Peace,  Love and that true fact that Our Father loved us enough to send His Precious Son Jesus Christ to be born into this world to Save Us!  We were given the Most Precious Gift we could possibly ever recieve in all our lifetimes-Redemption! No one else would have been able to do it, only Jesus Our Lord and Savior...  for that I am truly thankful to God Daily.  New Mercies are given to us daily-because He knew we would need them. I am also thankful for Life, Love, Health, Peace, Joy, Family, Friendships etc.  All of these gifts I cannot go into any store in the world and purchase with money, they are freely given by a Loving and Worthy Father, that allowed His Son to be sacrificed for me and you. Don't get caug...

Some Pics Of My Handmade Jewelry

As Silver Refined....A New Revelation

  How is everyone?  In great Expectation?  I hope you are,  I am Most Definately!... I've noticed there is a pattern to a lot of things we encounter in this life.  Maybe everything?  I don't know, but it's been made very clear to me this week why James 1:2 says" Consider it wholly joyful,  my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations" AMP Bible.  Slowly I'm getting it, nothing happens without God Our Father not already knowing about it,  if HE alows it I know He has me in the midst of it, no matter what it feels or looks like.  I am in His hands even in the fire- the refining fire.   I've also learned that the trials and temptations come just before PROMOTION!! Yea!  I understand we need the trials because the proving of our faith brings out endurance, steadfastness and patience so we may be fully developed in His Precious Fruit of The Spirit too (Ga...

As Silver Is Refined...So are we (cont.)

So sorry it took me a month or so to get back to this post......I finally was able to post 2 wonderful renditions of how and why silver is refined.  I did discover in my finds that the 7 step purification process is: 1)to strain, 2) extract,  3)clarify,  4) fine,  5)pour down,  6)purge and 7)purify....    Once this is done, the true beauty and brilliance of this precious metal can be appreciated. As I read this, it so reminds me of how we as God's vessels go through a "lifetime purification process" similar to that of fine silver. Webster describes silver as: A soft white metallic element, sonorous, ductile, very malleable , and capable of a high degree of polish, Precious and costly (Noah Webster's NIV Dictionary) these are only a few of  Mr. Webster's definitions of silver. Silver is refined at 1450 F, and was largely used for making vessels for The Sanctuary in the wilderness. Exo. 26:19-32, 27:17, Num. 7:...

As Silver Is Refined...So are we

Re: Silver Metal-For as long as I can remember, it seems I've been partial to Sterling Silver. Even back in the late 70's and early 80's when gold was the rave for just about everyone, I still preferred silver. At first, I thought it was because back then I couldn't afford gold, but that wasn't it either.  More to come... to be continued shortly.... As always, Stay encouraged! Love out...


Update:   I'm redoing my website, designing some new jewelry, updating my web blogs and I'm busy also because school is back in session! There is always an urgency in my spirit this time of year, things are Accelerating and it's all good!  Just a note of encouragement: No matter how difficult things may seem right now,  look to the hills from whence comes our help,  our help comes from The Lord.  It may not look like it or seem like it in this Natural Realm but if your Hope and Trust is in God, ALL THINGS ARE WORKING TOGETHER FOR OUR GOOD!  If we love God and are called according to His Purpose because He CANNOT Lie! Keep your head up and encourage yourself in The Lord, a great Change is on it's way! Stay Encouraged! Love, Liz out....

Can Two Walk Together Unless They Agree-Encouragement

How are you? This is the best of times-if you know The Word-Jesus. To know means to be intimate with, to know the heart of someone. We know God through Jesus, He did nothing without God. Jesus is our example to follow as Believers in Christ. So those we walk with we need to know, that's why Amos 3:3 says "Can two walk together except they be agreed?" We need to know who we walk with so that we will know what we are in agreement with. The same goes for us, we need to check our hearts daily with The Lord.  He will let us know where we need to gird up our lives to become more intimate with Him, so we can begin to walk in His Spirit so we don't fulfill the lusts of our flesh. God has sooo much awaiting us, we think we are waiting on God but he is waiting on us to come up higher in our walk with Him.  So let's get closer to God by laying down our wants and desires and take up His.  He will do exceeding and abundantly above all we can ask or think as we obey His...

A New Beginning!

This has really been a busy week for me, you too? You know the Summer is just about to come to a end, the daylight hours are slowly ebbing away making the way for "A New Season." When I was very young, I use to dread Summer ending because school would be starting soon. That meant time for a major change, but since my younger days, I expect change now, I embrace it. We may as well accept it because it's coming regardless of how we want it or not. Change is good for the Soul and Spirit and can be good for our Body also. It's all about how I think, my own perception, how I view life. I'm learning to see life as a gift and not a burden. I have the power to speak life and death out of my own mouth according to what's in my Heart and Soul. Therefore my mind needs to be renewed daily in The Word of God so the right thing is coming out of my mouth instead of negativity. I do understand that this is a lifelong journey-changing how I think, but now I'm...

Been A While...

How is everyone? I know you are blessed with the peace of God, if you have a relationship with Jesus!     Just saying hello and I've missed writing to you, just adding a few new pics from my site, still at my table creating. I hope everyone is fine and in Great Expectation to see what Our Father God is about to reveal to His people. as always-Love and Peace be unto you and please stay encouraged, don't give-up on Him because He will never give-up on you-You're too valuable! Love out...