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Merry Christmas!!!!!

It's almost here!  No matter how many gifts we get or give,  no gift will ever come anywhere close, to The Most Precious Gift of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!!!  This Gift of Love is from Our Father,  let us never forget without Him there was no Redemption for mankind. We would have all gone to one horrible place after we died, but because of The Sacrifice that Jesus gave for All of us,  we will one day see the Father in all of His Glory...and because of Jesus sacrifice,  we can live life abundantly right here on Earth!! Glory be to God.. So please remember Jesus that He is the reason for EVERY Season and without Him, where would we be?
     Don't forget to share love and encourage family,  friends and even strangers,  we all need love. We were made to give love and recieve it,  love is truly a wonderful thing.  I read somewhere that we need at least 21 hugs per day,  I don't know how true this is but let's try it and see what happens (smile)

Have a Blessed and Loving Christmas-God bless you all and stay in Great Expectation!
Love out!


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