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PT.2 (cont.)

I want to regress back to speaking about seed(s), seed is mentioned
in the Bible 276 times! I figure it must be pretty important and that there is something so precious that I never saw before. Let's start with the definition of seed: Merriam Webster reads: seed;noun: a small object produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow;
the beginning of something which continues to develop or grow.  milt, semen, a source of development or growth, the condition or stage of bearing seed,  progeny: something that is a product of something else. I went deeper, the Strong's Dictionary Complete Dictionary of Bible Words, it reads :Hebrew;2232 zara', zaw-rah; a prim. root; to sow, fig. to disseminate; -seed, plant, fructify-, bear, conceive seed, set with, sow (er), yield. 2233 zera' zeh'rah
from 2232 seed; fig, fruit, plant, sowing-time, posterity-x carnality, child, fruitful, seed (-time), sowing-time.
Seed in Greek:4690 sperma. sper'-mah-something sown. i.e. seed (incl. the male sperm^); by impl. offspring; spec. a remnant (fig. as if kept over for planting):- issue, seed. 4690 refers to 4687: speiro. spi-ro- strengthened through the idea of extending; to scatter. i.e. sow, sow(er) receive seed 4701 spora. spor-ah means a sowing (by impl.) parentage-seed. Okay, back to disseminate- origin; Latin comes from the word disseminare; dis+seminare  means to sow from semin-,semen seed; *Merriam Webster definition
 Anyway I've found, 1 word in English usually means so much more
in older original languages, Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek to give us a deeper understanding. It makes me wonder, does everything start with a seed? Was Faith a seed God sowed when Genesis 1:26a "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:" why did HE say our? Was He speaking to The Word-Jesus and The Holy Spirit? (That's another conversation) Anyway verse 27 states "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." King James Version

More to come about seed-sperma...Meanwhile remember words are seeds, so we speak and sow love so we can reap love, whatever we sow (seed) that shall we also reap...

Love out-Stay Encouraged in HIM



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