Revised-1/3/19-Comfort & Exhortation 4 The Hurting, etc.
I pray that this will help someone else besides me, this morning I was thinking about how the enemy works through discouragement:
When discouraged, think about the good God has already done for you, what he asked you to do for others (even when you didn't feel like it), gave when you barely had anything yourself-a word to strangers you did not know, etc. you've done a lot of good...
Don't think God forgot about that, your reward is coming...
It's very hard right now to conceive the idea that there is good coming on the other side of our trials, but believe it- please hold on, keep trusting and believing for you, your families, friends, etc. even if you think you have no one, God has someone, somewhere, praying for you...
* 2Timothy2:1-4 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2. for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3. This is good, and pleasing in the sight of God who sent Our Savior, 4. who desires for all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (ESV)
Grab hold of God's Word and believe-He is Faithful...I remember how nobody but God brought me out of some hellish situations-I will NEVER Forget that and several other times HE rescued me, my family, friends, etc.
* One strategy I learned that was (very difficult at the time), was to begin to Worship God-right in the midst of the enemy screaming in my ears, (through someone) with God's help-I began to Worship God-I sang to Him, I told Him How Awesome, Beautiful, how Worthy HE is of All Praise, honest-I don't even remember all I said, in the midst of evil, He reminded me of former things He delivered me from, He reminded me of His Word, I wept, I twirled, danced, etc. BUT when I opened my eyes I looked around and I saw the person walking out of my door...That was the 1st time I experienced How important the power of our words can be!!! (Especially God's Word) I saw the Word work as I had Never seen it before!!! (But keep in mind this happens through relationship with The Father through His Son Yeshua)...We sometimes need to be reminded that God knows Everything before it happens... God will redeem our time and our stuff and will reward us with more if we can begin to thank God for what we have right now, Reverence God, Worship, Praise, remind Him of His Word and Walk by Faith not by sight or feelings and Never forget The Word is a Most Powerful Weapon against the enemy
Liz out-Love to you...
I pray that this will help someone else besides me, this morning I was thinking about how the enemy works through discouragement:
When discouraged, think about the good God has already done for you, what he asked you to do for others (even when you didn't feel like it), gave when you barely had anything yourself-a word to strangers you did not know, etc. you've done a lot of good...
Don't think God forgot about that, your reward is coming...
It's very hard right now to conceive the idea that there is good coming on the other side of our trials, but believe it- please hold on, keep trusting and believing for you, your families, friends, etc. even if you think you have no one, God has someone, somewhere, praying for you...
* 2Timothy2:1-4 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2. for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3. This is good, and pleasing in the sight of God who sent Our Savior, 4. who desires for all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (ESV)
Grab hold of God's Word and believe-He is Faithful...I remember how nobody but God brought me out of some hellish situations-I will NEVER Forget that and several other times HE rescued me, my family, friends, etc.
* One strategy I learned that was (very difficult at the time), was to begin to Worship God-right in the midst of the enemy screaming in my ears, (through someone) with God's help-I began to Worship God-I sang to Him, I told Him How Awesome, Beautiful, how Worthy HE is of All Praise, honest-I don't even remember all I said, in the midst of evil, He reminded me of former things He delivered me from, He reminded me of His Word, I wept, I twirled, danced, etc. BUT when I opened my eyes I looked around and I saw the person walking out of my door...That was the 1st time I experienced How important the power of our words can be!!! (Especially God's Word) I saw the Word work as I had Never seen it before!!! (But keep in mind this happens through relationship with The Father through His Son Yeshua)...We sometimes need to be reminded that God knows Everything before it happens... God will redeem our time and our stuff and will reward us with more if we can begin to thank God for what we have right now, Reverence God, Worship, Praise, remind Him of His Word and Walk by Faith not by sight or feelings and Never forget The Word is a Most Powerful Weapon against the enemy
Liz out-Love to you...