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As Silver Refined....A New Revelation

 How is everyone?  In great Expectation?  I hope you are,  I am Most Definately!... I've noticed there is a pattern to a lot of things we encounter in this life.  Maybe everything?  I don't know, but it's been made very clear to me this week why James 1:2 says" Consider it wholly joyful,  my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations" AMP Bible.  Slowly I'm getting it, nothing happens without God Our Father not already knowing about it,  if HE alows it I know He has me in the midst of it, no matter what it feels or looks like.  I am in His hands even in the fire-the refining fire.  I've also learned that the trials and temptations come just before PROMOTION!! Yea!  I understand we need the trials because the proving of our faith brings out endurance, steadfastness and patience so we may be fully developed in His Precious Fruit of The Spirit too (Gal 5: 22-23) which causes us to endure as  good soldiers.  So we learn how to give thanks in all things because it is pleasing to Him.  If we can remember, it is about Him-smile (help me to remember it Lord)
I'm reminded of Jer. 29:11: "For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." AMP Bible-Just think,  you are on His mind right now and He has made the way of escape for every trial that will ever come your way, how Awesome!!! Truly we are always on His mind-He says it in His Word...
So be comforted in that  you  are precious to Your Father God and you are fearfully and wonderfully made in The Image of Our Magnificent Father!

As Always-
Stay Encouraged and in Expectation for a Great and Spectacular Life!
Love out!


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